Monday, 25 April 2011

Wiggle - Day 1,040

After our morning walk, Wiggle and Sofy spent some time in the garden, either licking their breakast from their lips.... or poking their tongue's out at each other!

Wiggle gets a very full on 'kiss' from Sofy:

Laying together....

Sofy finds something amusing, wagging her tail as she goes to kiss Wiggle:

A little kiss on the nose:

Realisation that they are "brother and sister" makes them turn away, in a "pretend nothing happened....!" kind of way!


FerFer1958 said...

so nice to see them so close to each other. I think is the first time I see them sharing some relaxing moments. The sofa doesn't count because they have to be close :) They are together all they long. I guess they like each other.
Very nice pics.

Lucy the Lab said...

If only that were me...sigh

Love, Your Best Girl,
Lucy the Lab xx