Sunday, 26 January 2020

Sofy, Lula and Brunching with DeeDee

Last week I confessed that I had miss Lula's 10th birthday and it was brought to my attention (thank you, Fernando) that it I had also missed the anniversary of Sofy's Gotcha Day in 2010

I do miss my little Choccie angel.  Then it occurred to me that on the day she came to me, Lula was being born.  Fate, for sure!

Back to Ziggy, who seems to be trying to sleep as much as Lula:

This morning Ziggy had a brunch date in town with DeeDee and her mum Janet.  Ziggy loves little DeeDee and they both ordered the sossije and let Janet and I pay their bill 

Sunday, 19 January 2020

Oops! Missed Lula's Birthday!

It's not long until Lula's first Gotcha Day but when I looked at her adoption paperwork from the Blue Cross I saw that her birthday was the 17th!  Belated 10th Birthday wishes for little Lula:

Lula likes to spend time on the back of the sofa with Ziggy.  He likes to lick her face but she's not so keen.  For some reason they were both looking very serious when this photo was taken:

A happier Ziggy when he was in the bath:

Yesterday we went out and stopped for lunch with Grandyma.  Ziggy loves his Grandyma and watched for her to come back to our table:

While we were out yesterday, Ziggy spent his Christmas gift card that he had received from lovely Aunty Sue.  After plenty of browsing, he settled on a new tough toy and it's now his Number One Best Toy:

Ziggy says:  Thank you so much!  I luff my new toy xx

Sunday, 12 January 2020

Fun in the fields

At this time of year when we go out, Ziggy usually wears one of his fleece jumpers or a coat to keep his exposed area's warm.  Yesterday though, he was without clothing:

We went to the fields near the river

He was feeling very athletic and jumped the fallen tree:

The reason Ziggy wasn't wearing a jumper was because with the recent rain, I was sure one of his favorite puddles would be back and Ziggy wasted no time checking to see if the muddy puddle had re-appeared:

Happy boy:

A little clip of Ziggy enjoying himself:

The river was much higher than usual and flowing fast:

Despite looking fairly clean, Ziggy brought home a lot of mud so he had his weekend bath a day earlier and warmed up in his drying coat, while snoozing for the rest of the day.

Sunday, 5 January 2020

Bye bye 2019, Hello 2020!

Now that Christmas and New Year are over we are settling back into our usual routine.  We had a lovely time off, Grandyma acme to stay and we visited family and went for walks in the park.

Andy Ziggy always likes to go to the park:

He and Lula enjoyed their Christmas, taking time to chill out:

Ziggy was lucky to have many parcels to open:

Lula looked less impressed with her gifts:

Ziggy wrapped up warm on the chilly days:

We went for brunch by the river:

Ziggy ordered his usual - sossije:

We brunched with friends:

And Ziggy tried on silly hats when we went to the garden centre:

Ziggy is looking forward to more fun things to come this year!