Sunday, 22 November 2009

Wiggle - Day 521

We're having one of those mixed weather days here - bright sunshine one moment and then heavy rain the next. Unfortunately we got caught in the latter when we went out, typical!

As Sir H has been a bit brighter, I took the boys up to Maude Heath as I can park right next to the field gate so he hasn't got to walk too far.

He seemed to enjoy being out:

While Wiggle ran around, Sir H sniffed the grass, clearly interesting smells if you're a dog!

Wiggle didn't have time for sniffing and was far too busy waiting for me to throw his ball:

Sir H had had enough pottering about so stopped for a rest:

Joined by Wiggle:

As the rain started to come down heavily and Sir H was getting tired, we popped him back in the car and Wiggle and I waked on for a while, Wiggle still running with his ball:

Grey, wintery day in Wiltshire:

Heading back to the car, where Sir H was waiting. As you can see, it's just a hop from the carboot into the gateway:

After getting home, the boys both were dried off with towels but Sir H was happy just to lay, wrapped in his towel!

Now we're home, the boys are resting but Wiggle has been 'helping' me in the kitchen - roast chicken today and he know's he and Sir H will be getting some later!

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