Friday, 6 November 2009

Wiggle - Day 505

AS Wiggle and Sir H enjoyed their pilchard cake so much, and to take Sir H's mind off the noisy fireworks, I asked Wiggle: Shall I make you a cake?

Needless to say, the answer was yes! Wiggle was on hand to help - cleaning the spatular:

All mixed and ready for the oven:

Wiggle moved on to bowl cleaning duties:

And managed to get some of the mixture on his ear!

While the cake was baking I took the boys out. Sir H only had a very short walk so we dropped him back home and Wiggle and I went out for longer. Thankfully Wiggle takes no notice of the firework noises and when we got back, the cake was ready:

Wiggle wanted to check to see if it was cool enough to eat:

And when it was, he came over all strange!!

Sir H was more controlled in his enthusiasm for pilchard cake:

And Wiggle returned to normal, sitting patiently waiting for his piece:

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