Thursday, 18 June 2009

A year ago today.....

..... this was Wiggle:

On 18th June 2008, Mindy, Area Co-ordinator for Labrador Rescue South East & Central, went to visit a dog being given up. Although 18th June is not the actual day that Wiggle started his recovery, it's an important day and worth remembering.....


Melita (Woof Beginnings) said...

It is heartbreaking to see him looking like that, so dejected.
He is such a different dog now and is a credit to you and LRSE&C
Marvellous what lots of TLC can do.
Sending him and Sir H a big hug.

Minnie-Moo (Rescue Lab) said...

If I didn't know that was the same dog, I'd struggle to believe it! Wiggle is a wonderful dog and looks so much younger than he did - and a million times happier!

Minnie-Moo & Angela