Wednesday, 3 December 2008

Wiggle - Day 168

We've had a very cold but bright day here today so this afternoon we took a walk up at Maude Heath. The cows were in the fields we normally walk in so we walked the other side, up towards the Maude Heath monument.

Wiggle did some running around:

Meanwhile, Sir H watched Wiggle:

Wiggle was happy when he found a stick

Later in our walk, Wiggle was delighted when he found something stinky to roll in however I got my revenge my bathing him when we got home!


Ruby Isabella said...

Hi Wiggle,
A stick and something stinky to roll around in!!!! Sounds like a bloody great walk. Was the bath really necessary?

Ruby Isabella.

Wiggle said...

Sadly, yes! Wiggle has a skin condition so still needs regular baths, I just try and fit them around his rolling habits, lol