Thursday, 31 July 2008

Wiggle - Day 42

Wiggle has been to see Bridget the vet today and the very good news is that he has put on some more weight. Today Wiggle weighed in at 29.7kg's, so nearly 2kg's in the last fortnight. Obviously I need to make sure he doesn't put weight on too quickly to reduce the chance of joint problems, arthritis etc but he does get plenty of exercise so hopefully I can manage his weight gain steadily.

Wiggle has some new fur growing, which is great news. It's still just fine hairs but the patch where he was shaved for the intradermal testing already has a nice covering of new fur. His ears are still a bit gunky but much better than they were before. I'll carry on with the ear drops so all being well in a few weeks they'll be looking much cleaner. They must be more comfortable as Wiggle doesn't scratch much now.

Once Wiggle has been on his current dose of Atopica (150mg) for a month I am to reduce it back to 100mg and see how he goes with that. We're going back on the 26th so its nice to know that he's doing well enough not to need monitoring so closely.


Anonymous said...

Have just started reading about Wiggle - what a wonderful beautiful boy he is - hope he finds his forever someone - give him a great big kiss from Maddie and Fay (both rescue Lab girls)

Anonymous said...

I love this blog and can't wait to read Wiggles' daily update.
Wendy he is doing really well.
You nust be so pleased with the progress he is making.
Steady weight gain and new fur growing....great news.
Sending hugs to Dolly, Sir H and Wiggle.