Friday 17 July 2009

Sir H is at the vets.....

Poor Sir H is still at the vets. I took him in this morning as he was having x-rays and blood tests done. The vet rang after lunchtime to let me know that the tests had been done.

Sir H has servere hip displaycia in both hips as well as spondylosis in his spine and muscle wastage in his rear legs. The blood tests were ok though and the next step was for Sir H to be given Metacam and Tramadol - anti-inflammatories and painkillers.

However, while I was in reception at the vets, waiting for Sir H to be brought out, he collapsed and passed blood. I was able to see hin briefly but he's been kept in and is now on a drip and being observed.

Hopefully Sir H can come home tomorrow afternoon but needless to say, I'm very worried. Malcolm, the vet, was as surprised as me and poor Sir H was looking very sorry for himself.

We'd both be very grateful for some good thoughts.....

Wiggle, however, is fine. We've been out and about today and he's enjoyed a long walk, a visit to a camping store and then stopping off at the pet shop on the way home. So far, he's ok without Sir H being here but hopefully he'll have his brother home again tomorrow


Melita (Woof Beginnings) said...

Sending positive thoughts and lots of hugs for Sir H.
I hope he is soon back home with you and Wiggle.

Anonymous said...

So sorry to hear about Sir H WEndy do hope he soon will be well again. Tke care and hugs to you all Sheilaxx