Saturday, 18 September 2010

Wiggle - Day 821

Today we were up bright and early to get to the Collingbourne Kingston K9 Festival. Although it was dark when we woke up, we got to the show site to lovely sunshine.

Once we found where we were meant to be we got ourselves setup:

Wiggle and Sofy were 'helping'

Despite the great venue and beautiful weather, the stall was quiet:

The view from our stall - and we weren't the only ones who were having a quiet day...

Sofy shouted while Wiggle had a little chew on Honking Duck who'd come with us (all that remains of Pink Flamingo is a leg, so they needed someone else to take out)

AS the day was so quiet we got packed up earlier than planned so made the most of the fields that were surrounding us:

Even after a hard day's meeting & greeting, Wiggle still found time to be extremely handsome:



One last chase before hometime:

Since getting home, Wiggle and Sofy have stayed awake long enough to eat their dinner and been asleep ever since.

No rest for me though as tomorrow it's the LRSE&C Dogs Party so I needed to take the stock out of the car and swap it for the information posters, boards etc that I'll need for the Information stand.

Hopefully tomorrow will be another lovely sunny day and we'll have many more visitors at the Labrador Rescue South East & Central Dogs Party - come along if you're in the area - we'll be at the Dogs Trust, Harefield, Middlesex.


FerFer1958 said...

agree: Wiggle is extremely handsome and Sofy has a beautiful chocolate color.
with you a better business tomorrow.

Unknown said...

Every now and then we attend an event that is a bit slow as well.